Photo courtesy of Constance Jablonski

Constance Jablonski, the tennis-playing mega model (and new face of Estée Lauder) with a penchant for ethereal head pieces, is heading to Marrakech for New Year’s, and her New Year’s resolutions are sweet, practical and full of promise for 2015.

My plans for New Year’s Eve…
My boyfriend and some friends will be in Marrakech with me and I’m so excited for it. The people there are some of the most kind and wonderful I’ve ever met, and the ancient beauty of Marrakech and the landscape of the desert is incredible. Just the thought of walking through the Medina makes me smile.

And my New Year’s resolutions…
I usually don’t make New Year’s resolutions because I usually forget them, but this year I’m determined so I plan to organize my closets and give away all the clothes I never wear. To keep this particular resolution I began separating pieces into “donate” and “keep” piles, plus I’ve hired a closet organizer to ensure that closet is reconfigured to make sense for me. I’ve also made a resolution to talk to my parents more often — like a lot of people who are constantly traveling for work, I don’t call them nearly as much as I should. And I also want to not only continue my work mentoring with my favorite NYC-based nonprofit Urban Dove but make their 2015 spring gala, Evening with the Dove, even bigger than this past spring’s benefit.

@constancejablonski @urbandoveny #urbandove

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