Whats Your Sign? Gemini

As we enter the air sign of Gemini (May 20th – June 21st), astrology expert Susie Cox tells us what we can expect.

Happy Birthday, talkative Gemini! Your planet, Mercury, is in your sign and will be doing a retrograde in Gemini. Great time to go through your office to toss files and organize.

On the evenings of May 30th and 31st will be a trio of planets in your sign of Cancer. Above the western horizon, just after sunset, you will see Mercury, the moon and bright Jupiter. Have a party to celebrate this special group of planets.

Leo is one of the authority figures of the zodiac and you don’t like to be challenged by a larger authority figure. On June 2nd, you just might run into that kind of a situation. Try being as humble as you can…I know that’s not easy for you.

This is the perfect month to look at your finances, maybe with an advisor, and reorganize your portfolio. You will be glad you did, when you look at the difference.

Mars is still in your sign of Libra, but on May 19th, it finally turned direct and isn’t retrograde anymore, which is a very good thing. If you’ve been frustrated because of not going fast enough, all that will change now. Full speed ahead!

Saturn is in your sign of Scorpio now and will be in a positive angle to abundant Jupiter from May 24th through June 20th. Think big and live your dreams!

The full moon is in your sign of Sagittarius on June 12th. That weekend would be the perfect time for a quick trip. Pack your bags now, adventurous Sag. You’re in for a treat!

On June 13th and 14th, you will get an opportunity to take charge of a volatile situation. Be bold and brave… and you will be the hero who saves the day.

Your sign of Aquarius loves friends and group gatherings. The best days this month for you and your social life will be June 15th and 16th. Invite a wide variety of unusual friends and see what happens. Fun will be the result.

Your power dates this month start and end the sign of Gemini. You will be the most tuned into your higher self on May 21st and June 17th. Your creativity will be off the charts.

Venus will be in Aries until May 28th, when it will move into Taurus. Make sure you do any pampering you want before that date to get the most out of your indulgence.

Venus is associated with Taurus, so it’s a very good time for you when Venus moves through your sign. Venus will be in Taurus from May 28th until June 24th. Make sure you are generous with yourself when you buy your birthday presents this year!

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